Maskinist til FDA MIMMI
Vi har behov for maskinist på vår servicebåt FDA Mimmi. Det vil bli jobbet 3 ukers turnus, 3 uker jobb/3 uker fri. Norsk er vårt
Keneth Larsen is chairman and general manager in FDA AS. Keneth is also a diver and diving manager.
Telefon 907 64 322 / keneth @ fda.no
Annett Behm works with personnel, including maintenance and development of competence
Telefon 950 05 473 / annett @ fda.no
Beathe Hoel works with invoices and accounts. She also has other administrative tasks
Telefon: 400 10 839 / beathe @ fda.no
Martin Lyngstad works with business development, HSE and quality. He aslo calculates quotation requests.
Telefon 411 40 480 / martin @ fda.no
Reidar Straumsgård is a technical maintenance coordinator at FDA AS, and a machinist at FDA MIMMI.
Telefon 954 95 081 / reidar @ fda.no
Pål Fredric Kristiansen is a service coordinator at FDA AS. He also has a role within HSE.
Telefon 971 30 258 / pfk @ fda.no